Janet Doerr

Janet Doerr is a Medical Intuitive and Master Energy Healer.

Janet uses her multi-dimensional gifts to uncover and then clear the root cause of her client's health issues. Janet works with people in an empowering way to identify the underlying energies which can include suppressed emotion and limiting beliefs, ancestral energies, traumatic experiences, oaths and vows, and attached entities.

People who work with Janet report rapid shifts in health conditions, regaining a peaceful state, reductions in pain and anxiety, positive shifts in relationships, and feeling empowered.

To achieve these powerful transformations, Janet works with many beings in the non-physical realms including archangels, masters, goddesses, and Galactics, such as the Arcturians, and Pleiadians.

“Heal Yourself, Heal the Planet”

(To be presented May 25, 2024)

In ONEness, all of the insights and awareness one person receives, become available in the Collective for all to receive.

As each of us explores themes and experiences in our health and Lfe, we bring in more of the Light of our Christ and Buddha consciousness.  As we flood our hearts with LOVE and self-acceptance, dense energies dissolve.

Come listen as Janet shares examples and stories from her own Life and her work with clients which illustrate some of the themes we are working on to anchor fifth dimensional energies and awareness.

Janet will help you connect the dots to realize how you exploring your own experiences (as challenging as they might be), are helping change the energy and awareness on the Planet.

Come realize how important your role in navigating your Life is to the Planet’s ascension!  Each choice you make to release and transform old limiting thoughts affects the Collective.  With each more loving choice you make for yourself you create a positive impact on the Planet, whether it is through making new choices in your relationships, career, eating habits, self-expression, or self-care.

We are truly creating the Heaven on Earth we all desire and intend to Create, one awareness and action at a time.  “Be the change you wish to see on the Earth.”

Come learn more about the difference you are making for all LIFE!

Watch a video of Janet’s talk at the Mount Shasta Wesak in 2023 by clicking below.

A few testimonials:

 “Janet's work is amazing. Following a deep clearing and reset of energies from suffering to blessings, I had a major lawsuit promptly settled in my favor. I am eternally grateful for Janet's wonderful work. Her superlative intuitive skills, grounded in practical wisdom and sensitivity, are the "tops".      Karawyn, California

Janet was the only healer who helped me understand a life-long issue in just a short few minutes!  She has a gift to see exactly how to help you realize your goals in a way that is uplifting, sincere and easy!

Joie G, Northern California

I recommend Janet’s programs.  I attended one and it was brilliant!  I knew something was wrong with my liver.  With Janet’s help, my liver is back on track and functioning properlyI was able to release lots of energy that was blocking my communication with Spirit.  I am very grateful!!     Mary, San Diego

The Arcturian Mothership Healing Session I experienced with Janet Doerr was one of the most incredible, unforgettable healing sessions in my life, with an instant result!

Working with Janet was gentle yet powerful and full of compassion.
She got to the root cause, and facilitated an immense shift with ease.

Anyone who receives a session with Janet would be blessed in many ways!

Crystal Randhir Priya Kaur