In-Person & Online Worldwide!

Buddha place holder


"We will come together in Oneness and Unity Consciousness to Evolve Together"

The Themes of Our Event Are:

Embodying Your Divinity &
Moving into 5-D and the permanent 7th Golden Age,
beginning with the amazing Age of Aquarius.

This year we are combining two celebrations -

Wesak and the Festival of Unity.

Wesak – the triple festival honoring

the Birth, the Enlightenment and

the human transition of Gautama Buddha

and the Festival of the Great Return of

Humanity and All Life to our rightful estate -

to Oneness with All and the Creator.

We have learned about Duality and Separation

We have grown, sacrificed and, frankly,

We've had enough.

We have chosen


Love and

to Align with the Divine Plan.

We are returned to membership

in the Galactic Federation.

We are returned to a new/renewed life

in full Oneness with our Unique, God/Goddess Self,

the I Am Presence and All Life.

You are invited to join us

May 24, 25 and 26th, 2024

to share, to rejoice, to give thanks,
