HaRuKo ~ Blue Star Child


BIO ~   “Ha-Ru-Ko’ Blue Star Child is a multi-dimensional artist, musician, spiritual cheerleader, and author. As an artist, she has been channeling New Earth Blue Prints and Sacred Feminine Designs and Multi-Dimensional Light Codes for 25 years with her artistic expression. As a musician, she brings the frequencies of Celestial Love from the Angelic realm, Star nations, and Ascended Masters through her music. She also offers Soul Essence Portrait and Private Session to activate the remembrance of our multi-dimensionality as well as to ground the divinity within human form. She now owns Blue Star Child Gallery in downtown, Mount Shasta. Her website is www.BlueStarChildGallery.com

HaRuKo offers Soul Essence Portrait, Private Session, Cosmic Doodling Workshop and Lemurian Retreat. Also she offers her Sound Healing /Transmission every Saturdays at her Blue Star Child Gallery.

Her website is www.BlueStarChild.com

HaRuKo's Presentation "Creating Easy flow into 5-D living"

For this Wesak event, I would like to share some simple tips to how we can allow and align with the 5-D living. I will share from my experience so that you can understand the idea of 5-D living in a grounded perspective to apply in your daily life.

I will share my visual art to stimulate you along with my music to energetically and ethnically anchor the 5-D and above Light codes to upgrade your Light body.

(I would also like to have a question and answer time in the end to interact with the audience.)