Regina Sisco

Regina Sisco

Regina Sisco Bio

Teacher of Divine Love
Divine Mother Channel
Spiritual Life Coach & Healer
Empowering your expansion of Self-Love & Soul Awakening through Divine Love

Regina Sisco is a Spiritual Life Coach, Teacher of Divine Love and Channel for Divine Mother, and the Ascended Masters. She guides her clients through gentle healing and transformation to heal past traumas and beliefs to increase their Self-Love exponentially. Regina is an expert in Spiritual Growth and Development. She teaches her students how to connect more deeply to the truth of who they are, resulting in their ability to hold higher consciousness and vibrations which empowers them to create and live a life held in Divine Love, Wisdom, and Truth.

She also leads and facilitates Mastermind groups, webinars, in-person gatherings, retreats and guides transformational spiritual empowerment sessions. Regina’s clients love her kind, gentle and humorous approach along with the depth of higher consciousness, love, and awareness she shares with them.

Throughout her life Regina always received guidance from Divine Mother through various forms. In 2019, she came to her in meditation and asked if she could channel through her. Of course, Regina said “Yes!” Divine Mother has been channeling through her in this way to meditation groups, Teachings by Divine Mother Mastermind group, weekly messages, and individual transformation sessions with Divine Mother. This is a great honor and blessing that Regina gladly shares with the rest of the world!

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Regina Sisco's Presentation ~ The Ascension Fire Healing Circle

The Ascension Fire Healing Circle is being offered by Lady Mary Magdalene, Divine Mother and the Higher Realms to assist and facilitate your Ascension process. For those who have been on the path of Spiritual Awakening and are committed to your Ascension process, you will appreciate this gift!

Mary Magdalene will facilitate the healing process utilizing the Ascension Fire to identify, transmute and transform your intentions and those of your Soul and Divine I Am Presence.  The trinity of You will be working together for your greatest healing in each session.

I will channel Mary Magdalene and this will be a powerful focused healing session. This is a gentle yet powerful process as you are held in a Circle of Divine Love with the Ascend Masters and Angels. This will be similar to a guided visualization process by Mary Magdalene. You will have an opportunity to set your personal intention for healing. Deep transformation is possible including feeling the beautiful connection of pure Divine Love, Cosmic Consciousness and Oneness with all Life.

The next online session will be 6-11-24, you can find this at Thank you!